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When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.



An estimated 6 million elderly Americans experience depression, yet only about 10% receive treatment in part because of the fear of asking for help. The fear of inconveniencing others and confronting the emotions that lie beneath the depression are prevalent in individuals whose psychological lifestyle has been one of avoiding painful feelings as means of coping with life’s hardships.

In later life there are many correlations between depression and other illness. Illness can cause depression and depression can affect recovery. Whether the depression is primary or secondary to the illness, it greatly affects an individual’s quality of life and future prognosis.

In later life there are many correlations between depression and other illness. Illness can cause depression and depression can affect recovery. Whether the depression is primary or secondary to the illness, it greatly affects an individual’s quality of life and future prognosis. Depression can lead to high risk behavior like smoking, alcohol abuse, over or under eating, and poor self-care in general. All of which contribute to illness. Chronic pain and arthritis (two of the most common physical ailments of old age) have been shown to be worsened by a state of depression. Depression also adversely affects relationships and self-esteem.

Medicine is taking seriously the importance of finding effective treatments for depression. While the primary focus of the treatment remains on drug interventions and explorations into magnetic stimulation of the brain, there is increasing scientific interest in the impact of psychotherapy and other behavioral interventions.

If someone experiences depression the likelihood is that the depression will impact physical health, wellbeing, and quality of life. It may not be easy to ask for help when dealing with depression, but it could save one’s life. Immediate attention to mental health when problems arise gives more life time to be present for life as opposed to avoiding it. Taking steps to deal with the root causes of depression through mental health or pastoral consultation begins the journey of self exploration and commitment to good long term health.